Senate Page School Mission
The United States Senate Page School provides students with a sound academic program and related experiences during their stay in the nation’s capital, as determined by the schedule of the Senate. The United States Senate Page School program of study is designed to complement the students’ programs of study at home.
The United States Senate Page School is located on Capitol Hill in the lower level of the Daniel Webster Senate Page Residence. The program of study is designed to complement the students’ academic work at home; therefore courses offered are those most typical of junior-year students. All pages are required to enroll in one course from each discipline in the following list unless they have already received credit for all course offerings. All courses listed are considered Honors level and appear as such on report cards and transcripts.
The Page School does not offer credit for language courses. The Page School will, however, attempt to provide a tutor for students who have arranged with their home schools to earn such credit during their appointment.
School dismissal time depends on the schedule of the Senate; therefore, class schedules vary. When the Senate convenes at 11:00 a.m. or later, the following class schedule is frequently used:

The Page School schedules multiple field trips to important sites in and around the nation’s capital. Destinations are selected based on their historical and cultural significance; recent semesters have included visits to Mount Vernon, Gettysburg, Jamestown, and Philadelphia. Field trips are considered school days, and attendance is required.
The Page School has high expectations for students, and recognizes that balancing school and work obligations can be challenging. Pages will find that good time management and attention to detail will help them to adjust to and succeed in both the Page Program and Page School. The faculty and staff at the Page School are committed to the success and well-being of each page, and frequently meet with students before and after school for individualized academic support.
Senate pages have access to computers in the library of the school as well as in the Senate Library. Each page is assigned a user account that includes email access. Pages are required to follow the same rules and regulations regarding computer use as other Senate employees.