A Day In The Life
Semester Pages
5:00 AM Pages wake up and prepare for the day.
5:30 AM After beds are made and pages are in uniform and ready for the day, they go downstairs for breakfast and school. Pages prepare their own breakfast from program provided groceries and may use this time to check in with teachers before classes start.
6:15 AM School begins.
TBD AM School ends. The time varies depending on the Senate schedule; pages depart for work one hour and fifteen minutes before the Senate convenes, or 9:45 AM at the latest.
TBD AM Pages report to work one hour before the Senate convenes or at 10:00 AM, whichever is earlier. During the workday, pages alternate each hour between working in the Senate Chamber and taking a break or studying in the Senate Lobby. Pages have an hour for lunch in the Senate cafeteria.
4:00 PM If the Senate has adjourned, all pages are excused from work and they return to Webster Hall. Pages have free time to do any of the following:
- Pages may check out with at least one other page to the gym, restaurants, or local shops.
- Pages may go for runs/walks in the evenings.
- Pages who choose to remain at Webster Hall typically study, read, watch television, or talk on the phone with family and friends.
5:00 PM If the Senate is in session, the late shift has dinner and returns to work at 6:00 PM.
6:00 PM Early shift pages are excused from work and may check out for free time.
TBD PM Late shift is excused from work after the Senate adjourns.
9:00 PM Curfew and chores begin. The kitchen and library close for the evening after chores are completed.
10:00 PM Pages must be in their own rooms. Pages’ room phones are deactivated to ensure that all roommates get adequate sleep without interruption.
If the Senate is not in session, the morning schedule may be adjusted one hour to allow pages an additional hour of sleep.
5:00 AM Pages wake up and prepare for the day.
5:30 AM After beds are made and pages are in uniform and ready for the day, they go downstairs for breakfast and school. Pages prepare their own breakfast and may choose from cereal, yogurt, fruit, breakfast sandwiches, and similar items.
6:15 AM School begins. On Fridays, school often starts one hour later at 7:15 AM to give pages an extra hour of sleep.
TBD AM School ends. The time varies depending on the Senate schedule; pages depart for work one hour and fifteen minutes before the Senate convenes, or 9:45 AM at the latest.
TBD AM Pages report to work between 11:15 AM and 12:00 PM, depending on after school activities such as tutoring, student council meetings, or field trips. During the workday, pages alternate each hour between working in the Senate Chamber and taking a break or studying in the Senate Lobby. Pages have an hour for lunch in the Senate cafeteria.
2:00 PM Pages may choose to leave work early and participate in yoga. Pages who choose not to attend yoga remain at work until 4:00 PM.
4:00 PM Free time check out begins.
10:00 PM Curfew and chores begin. Room phones are not deactivated on Friday. Pages may go to sleep or stay up late to socialize or watch a movie together after chores are completed.
8:00 AM The school and residence often take pages on Saturday field trips. If there are no scheduled activities, pages may check out together for free time and to explore the city.
- Weekend free time destinations typically include the gym, National Mall, Smithsonian museums, sightseeing, restaurants, coffee shops, and religious services.
- Pages who choose to remain at Webster Hall during free time typically study, read, watch television, talk on the phone with family and friends, and prepare for the week ahead.
10:00 PM Curfew and chores begin, but phones are not deactivated on Saturday.
8:00 AM Pages may check out together for free time and to explore the city.
- Sunday free time destinations typically include religious services, the gym, shopping, sightseeing, restaurants, and coffee shops. Pages often go for runs/walks around Capitol Hill.
- Pages who choose to remain at Webster Hall during free time typically study, read, watch television, talk on the phone with family and friends, and prepare for the week ahead.
5:00 PM Staff plan a weekly page meeting and activity followed by a catered dinner. Pages must return from weekend travel and free time check out in time for the meeting.
9:00 PM Curfew and chores begin. The kitchen and library close for the evening after chores are completed.
10:00 PM Pages must be in their own rooms. Pages’ room phones are deactivated to ensure that all roommates get adequate sleep without interruption.
Pages typically report to work between 11:15 AM and 12:00 PM, depending on after school activities (tutoring, student council meetings, etc.), and they are excused from work at 4:00 PM. Pages do not report to work on recess days when the program has a field trip planned.
- Field trips on days that the Senate is not in session often include visits to museums that are not easily accessible by pages on their own, the National Arboretum, seasonal festivals, and other recreational outings.
Summer Pages
6:30 AM Pages may wake up and prepare for the day.
7:00 AM The kitchen opens and breakfast begins. Pages prepare their own breakfast and may choose from cereal, yogurt, fruit, breakfast sandwiches, and similar items.
8:00 AM Pages must check in with the proctor on duty by 8 AM to ensure that everyone is ready for work.
TBD AM Pages report to work one hour before the Senate convenes or at 10:00 AM, whichever is earlier. During the workday, pages alternate each hour between working in the Chamber and taking a break in the Annex. Pages have an hour for lunch in the cafeteria.
- Pages often attend field trips before work. Destinations include the Library of Congress, National Archives, and tours of historical Capitol Building rooms.
4:00 PM If the Senate has adjourned, all pages are excused from work and they return to Webster Hall. Pages have free time to do any of the following:
- Pages may check out with at least one other page to the gym, restaurants, or local shops.
- Pages may go for runs/walks in the evenings.
- Pages who choose to remain at Webster Hall typically relax, read, watch television, or talk on the phone with family and friends.
5:00 PM If the Senate is in session, the late shift has dinner and returns to work at 6:00 PM.
6:00 PM Early shift pages are excused from work and may check out for free time.
TBD PM Late shift is excused from work when the Senate adjourns.
9:00 PM Curfew and chores begin. After chores are completed, pages can relax in the dayrooms, play games, and watch movies or television together.
10:45 PM Pages must be in their own rooms. Pages’ room phones are deactivated to ensure that all roommates get adequate sleep without interruption.
6:30 AM Pages may wake up and prepare for the day.
7:00 AM The kitchen opens and breakfast begins. Pages prepare their own breakfast and may choose from cereal, yogurt, fruit, breakfast sandwiches, and similar items.
8:00 AM Pages must check in with the proctor on duty by 8:00 AM to ensure that everyone is ready for work.
TBD AM Pages report to work one hour before the Senate convenes or at 10:00 AM, whichever is earlier. During the workday, pages alternate each hour between working in the Senate Chamber and taking a break in the Page Annex. Pages have an hour for lunch in the cafeteria.
4:00 PM Pages are excused from work, provided the Senate is in recess. Pages may check out for free time.
10:00 PM Curfew and chores begin.
10:45 PM Chores must be completed by this time. Room phones are not deactivated on Friday.
7:00 AM The Page Program often take pages on Saturday field trips. If there are no scheduled activities, pages may check out together for free time and to explore the city.
- Weekend free time destinations typically include the gym, National Mall, Smithsonian museums, sightseeing, restaurants, coffee shops, and religious services.
- Pages who choose to remain at Webster Hall during free time typically relax, read, watch television, and talk on the phone with family and friends.
10:00 PM Curfew and chores begin.
10:45 PM Chores must be completed by this time. Room phones are not deactivated on Saturday.
7:00 AM Pages may check out together for free time and to explore the city.
- Sunday free time destinations typically include religious services, the gym, shopping, sightseeing, restaurants, and coffee shops. Pages often go for runs/walks around Capitol Hill.
- Pages who choose to remain at Webster Hall during free time typically relax, read, watch television, talk on the phone with family and friends, and prepare for the week ahead.
9:00 PM Curfew and chores begin. After chores are completed, pages can relax in the dayrooms, play games, and watch movies or television together.
10:45 PM Pages must be in their own rooms. Pages’ room phones are deactivated to ensure that all roommates get adequate sleep without interruption.
Commuter Pages report to work Monday-Friday at 9:00 AM and depart at 6:00 PM. They have the same alternating hour-on, hour-off schedule as residential pages, with a one-hour break for lunch each day.
- Commuter pages may live with adult family or friends in the Washington, DC, area. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing transportation to and from the Capitol; commuter pages may not drive themselves to work.
- Commuter pages are welcome to join residential field trips.